Profile and support: A stepping stone for young musical pioneers
Our program is designed to provide direct support for musicians. The funding includes:
Support for two prize winners with prize money totaling €15,000
Performance opportunities at the partner festivals of the "Kulturkreis Tournee"
The festivals that have joined forces for the first round of the "Kulturkreis Tournee" include:
Beethovenfest Bonn
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival
Rheingau Musik Festival
Heidelberger Frühling
Lucerne Festival
Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele

The selection process: transparency and excellence
We are looking for outstanding, innovative musicians and singers under the age of 30 who live in German speaking countries and build bridges to the audience with an independent artistic voice. Initial competition successes and stage experience are desirable but not a prerequisite.
The selection process is based on a nomination principle. Partner festivals and renowned consultants each propose two talents. These proposals form the longlist. From this list the finalists for the public selection concert are determined in a multi-stage process.
You can find more information here.
Shortlist 2024
Longlist 2024
Rafael Adobas Bayog, Flöte
Lara Boschkor, Violine
Katrīna Paula Felsberga, Sopran
Tjasha Gafner, Harfe
Anna Gebhardt, Klavier
Giorgi Gigashvili, Klavier
Onutė Gražinytė, Klavier
Jaemin Han, Cello
Tatu Kauppinen, Cello
Benjamin Kruithof, Cello
Leon Lorenz, Multi-Perkussion
Dora Donata Sammer, Blockflöte
Guido Sant’Anna, Violine
(Alphabetic order)