Cultural competence in companies

© Kulturkreis

Dr. Arend Oetker, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding: "Cultural competence involves more than simply being at ease with the unfamiliar – it sharpens your perception, strengthens your capacity to reflect, and heightens your ability to think constructively."

The Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft formed the Working Group for Cultural Education (AKB) based on the idea that engagement with art and culture aids personal development while simultaneously serving as a source for economic innovation and efficiency. The group works to build cultural literacy both within and for companies and supports enterprises and corporate foundations by providing specialist advice. The AKB helps to strengthen the cultural competence of management in business, organises events, and implements education programmes.

The cultural education programme ACT for Management - Active Creative Training is conceived for corporate managers. Additionally, the AKB offers individual cultural education opportunities for companies who want to enrich their personnel development strategies.

Mit seinem Exzellenzprogramm ACT for Management - Active Creative Training bietet der AKB ein einzigartiges Weiterbildungsprogramm für Führungskräfte in Unternehmen an. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht der AKB individuelle kulturelle Bildungsangebote zur Bereicherung der Personalentwicklungsstrategien von Unternehmen.

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